Ghetto blaster
This tutorial shows you how to maintain a Havauxes STPR 4000 ghetto blaster.
Bomb alarm clock
This tutorial shows you how to build an alarm clock that looks like a stereotypic movie bomb.
Doxygen tutorial
This tutorial shows you how to make automaticly generated documentations from comments in source code with the tool Doxygen. It describes installation and configuration and explains the functionality of Doxygen with some examples. Furthermore, there are some "tricks", showing you how to extend the documentation with some layout functions, pictures and a professional intro page.
OpenCV how-to
OpenCV is a image processing software from Intel, which is widely-used at research establishments and universities for robotic applications. This guide shows you that image processing must not be complicated and explains you how to use OpenCV with the Dev-C++ IDE. And at the end of this tutorial, you will be able to to use OpenCV to write programs, which use webcams or other video sources to detect persons, motions, outlines of objects...