
Global functions


void adc_Init (void)
 Init function of module <adc.c>.
UINT16 adc_Read (UINT8 u8Channel)
 Reads an averaged value from an ADC channel.
void current_Init (void)
 Init function of module current.c.
void current_Update (void)
 Reads the motor current load.
void current_UpdateSum (void)
 Updates the motor current load sum.
void current_UpdateAvg (void)
 Updates the average motor current.
UINT16 current_GetAvg (void)
 Returns the average motor current value.
UINT16 current_GetValue (void)
 Returns the latest value for motor current.
UINT16 current_GetSum (void)
 Returns the latest value for motor current sum.
void fan_Init (void)
 Init function of module <fan.c>.
void fan_Set (E_SWITCH eState)
 Method to activate or deactivate the fan.
void init_InitModules (void)
 Method to initiate all application modules.
void init_InitIO (void)
 Method to pre-initiate I/O pins.
void leds_Init (void)
 Init function to initiate related hardware.
void leds_ShowVoltage (void)
 Method to display the battery voltage.
void leds_ShowCurrent (void)
 Method to display the motor current.
void memory_Init (void)
 Init function to load settings from EEPROM.
const S_MEM_STRUCTRUEmemory_Get (void)
 Get function for mg_sMemory.
void pedal_Init (void)
 Init function of the pedal module.
UINT32 pedal_GetTimeout (void)
 Check and get method for pedal timeout.
UINT32 pedal_GetRpm (void)
 Get method for mg_u32Rpm.
void print_Init (void)
 Init fnction of module print.
INT16 print_Char (CHAR c, FILE *stream)
 Common interface function for stdout.
void relay_Init (void)
 Init function of module <relay.c>.
void relay_Enable (E_BOOL bEnabled)
 Method to enable or disable the motor relay.
void safety_Init (void)
 Init function of safety module.
void safety_SetCondition (E_SAFETY_CONDITION eCond)
 Set method for mg_eCondition.
void safety_ClearCondition (E_SAFETY_CONDITION eCond)
 Clear method for mg_eCondition.
UINT32 safety_GetCRC (void)
 Get method for mg_u32ApplCRC.
E_SAFETY_CONDITION safety_GetCondition (void)
 Get method for mg_eCondition.
void safety_MemoryTest (void)
 Continue flash memory test.
void safety_SafeMode (void)
 Safe mode of entire system.
void speaker_Init (void)
 Init function of module <fan.c>.
void speaker_Off (void)
 Method to deactivate the buzzer.
void speaker_Buzz (void)
 Method to toggle the buzzer IO pin causing a short clicking noise.
void speed_Init (void)
 Init function for this module.
UINT32 speed_GetRpm (void)
 Get method for mg_u32Rpm.
UINT32 speed_GetDistance (void)
 Get method for mg_u32Distance.
void speed_CheckTimeout (UINT32 u32SystemTime)
 Check and get method for tacho timeout.
void switch_Init (void)
 Init function for this module.
E_SWITCH switch_Get (void)
 Get method for motor switch condition.
void temp_Init (void)
 Init function for the temperature module.
void temp_Update (void)
 Function to read the current motor temperature.
void temp_Check (void)
 Function to check the motor temperature for overheating.
UINT16 temp_GetAvg (void)
 Get method for mg_u16Value.
UINT16 temp_GetCelsius (UINT16 adc_val)
 A helper method to convert ADC value to temperature.
void timer_Init (void)
 Timer module init function.
UINT8 timer_GetTicks (void)
 Get method for mg_u8TicksOut.
void timer_LockTicks (void)
 Function to create a copy of the time flags.
UINT32 timer_GetSystemTime (void)
 Get method for mg_u32SystemTime.
void uart_PutChar (CHAR c)
 Sending a single character via serial port.
CHAR uart_GetChar (void)
 Reading a single character from serial port.
void uart_Init (void)
 Init method of the uart module.
void voltage_Init (void)
 Init function of module <voltage.c>.
void voltage_Update (void)
 Read and update ADC values for battery voltage and reference voltage.
void voltage_UpdateAvg (void)
 Reads the battery voltage and recalculates the average value.
UINT16 voltage_GetValue (void)
 Returns the battery voltage.
UINT16 voltage_GetAvg (void)
 Returns average battery voltage.
UINT16 voltage_GetRef (void)
 Returns reference voltage.