Defines | Functions | Variables

voltage.c File Reference

Functions to meassure battery and reference voltage. More...

#include <avr/io.h>
#include "xtypes.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "adc.h"
#include "safety.h"
#include "voltage.h"
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#define EXPORT
#define AVG_COUNT   40U
 Defines the number of voltage readings used for calculating the average voltage.


void voltage_Init (void)
 Init function of module <voltage.c>.
void voltage_Update (void)
 Read and update ADC values for battery voltage and reference voltage.
void voltage_UpdateAvg (void)
 Reads the battery voltage and recalculates the average value.
UINT16 voltage_GetValue (void)
 Returns the battery voltage.
UINT16 voltage_GetAvg (void)
 Returns average battery voltage.
UINT16 voltage_GetRef (void)
 Returns reference voltage.


static UINT16 mg_u16Ref = 0U
 UINT16 variable to store the ADC value of reference voltage.
static UINT16 mg_u16Value = 0U
 UINT16 variable to store the ADC value of battery voltage.
static UINT16 mg_au16Data [AVG_COUNT]
 UINT16 variable to store the ADC values of battery voltage for averaging.
static UINT16 mg_u16Avg = 0U
 UINT16 variable to store averaged value of battery voltage.
static UINT8 mg_u8Idx = 0U
 UINT8 variable to keep the ring array index position.

Detailed Description

Philipp Bank
Creative Commons by-nc-sa 3.0 (

This module provides service-level functions to get the momentary and averaged battery voltage and the reference voltage.

Definition in file voltage.c.