
Source files


file  adc.c

This file contains the implementation of analog-digital comparator functions.

file  current.c

Functions to meassure motor current and current draw sum.

file  fan.c

This file contains the methods to control a 5V fan, connected to the "emitter" pin of the C5 instrument pod.

file  global.c

Contains firmware version and CRC32 checksum sections.

file  init.c

This file contains the sources of hardware configuration and module initialization functions.

file  leds.c

Methods to control voltage and current display.

file  memory.c

Methods to read and write the EEPROM memory.

file  pedal.c

Pedal ISR and methods to get pedaling frequency.

file  print.c

This module provides an interface to stdout.

file  relay.c

This file contains the methods to enable or disable the motor relay.

file  safety.c

Safety condition handling and (flash) memory tests.

file  speaker.c

This file contains the methods to control the buzzer.

file  speed.c

Speed sensor ISR and methods to get tacho information.

file  switch.c

Contains a service-level function to read the motor switch.

file  temp.c

Functions to meassure the motor temperature.

file  timer.c

Contains system timer ISR for exact time base.

file  uart.c

Serial communication functions.

file  ula_repl.c

Application module containing the main() entry point.

file  voltage.c

Functions to meassure battery and reference voltage.