Defines | |
#define | AD_REF_EXT 0x00U |
Presetting value for ADC multiplexer. | |
#define | AD_READIN_COUNT 8 |
This value defines how many ADC values will be read and averaged for 1 measure. | |
#define | ADC0 0 |
ADC channel #0. | |
#define | ADC1 1 |
ADC channel #1. | |
#define | ADC2 2 |
ADC channel #2. | |
#define | ADC3 3 |
ADC channel #3. | |
#define | ADC4 4 |
ADC channel #4. | |
#define | ADC5 5 |
ADC channel #5. | |
#define | ADC6 6 |
ADC channel #6. | |
#define | ADC7 7 |
ADC channel #7. | |
#define | SUM_COUNT 20U |
This value defines the array size of mg_au16Data and thus the span of time used to calculate the motor current sum. | |
#define | AVG_COUNT 8U |
This value defines the array size of mg_au16AvgData and thus the span of time used to calculate the average motor current. | |
#define | WHEEL_SIZE 1280U |
This defines the wheel circumference in millimeters. | |
#define | SPEEDLIMIT_MAX 250U |
This value defines the maximum speed at which the motor can be activated in pedelec mode while the driver is pedaling. | |
#define | SPEEDLIMIT_MIN 30U |
This value defines the minimum speed required to enable the motor. | |
This value defines the default number of magnets attached to activate the tacho reed switch. | |
This value defines the default number of magnets attached to activate the pedal reed switch. | |
#define | RXD_PORT PORTD |
#define | RXD_DDR DDRD |
#define | RXD_BIT PD0 |
#define | TXD_PORT PORTD |
#define | TXD_DDR DDRD |
#define | TXD_BIT PD1 |
#define | LED1_PORT PORTB |
#define | LED1_DDR DDRB |
#define | LED1_BIT PB1 |
#define | LED2_PORT PORTB |
#define | LED2_DDR DDRB |
#define | LED2_BIT PB0 |
#define | LED3_PORT PORTD |
#define | LED3_DDR DDRD |
#define | LED3_BIT PD7 |
#define | LED4_PORT PORTD |
#define | LED4_DDR DDRD |
#define | LED4_BIT PD6 |
#define | LED5_PORT PORTD |
#define | LED5_DDR DDRD |
#define | LED5_BIT PD4 |
#define | MUX_VOLT_DDR DDRC |
#define | MUX_VOLT_BIT PC4 |
#define | MUX_CURR_DDR DDRC |
#define | MUX_CURR_BIT PC5 |
#define | SPEAKER_DDR DDRB |
#define | SPEAKER_BIT PB2 |
#define | RELAY_PORT PORTD |
#define | RELAY_DDR DDRD |
#define | RELAY_BIT PD5 |
#define | FAN_PORT PORTC |
#define | FAN_DDR DDRC |
#define | FAN_BIT PC3 |
#define | INT0_PORT PORTD |
#define | INT0_DDR DDRD |
#define | INT0_BIT PD2 |
#define | INT1_PORT PORTD |
#define | INT1_DDR DDRD |
#define | INT1_BIT PD3 |
#define | VREF_PORT PORTC |
#define | VREF_DDR DDRC |
#define | VREF_BIT 7 |
#define | CSBASE_DDR DDRC |
#define | CSBASE_BIT PC1 |
#define | R3_PORT PORTC |
#define | R3_DDR DDRC |
#define | R3_BIT PC0 |
#define | VTH_PORT PORTC |
#define | VTH_DDR DDRC |
#define | VTH_BIT PC2 |
#define | SWITCH_DDR DDRC |
#define | SWITCH_BIT 6 |
#define | ADC_SWITCH ADC6 |
#define | ADC_VOLTAGE ADC0 |
#define | ADC_VREF ADC7 |
#define | ADC_CURRENT ADC1 |
#define | MAX_CURRENT 523U |
This value defines the maximum current as ADC value. | |
#define | VALUE_TEMP_FAN 45U |
This value defines the fan activation temperature. | |
#define | VALUE_TEMP_WARN 70U |
This value defines temperature warning threshold. | |
#define | VALUE_TEMP_ERROR 80U |
This value defines temperature error threshold. | |
#define | ONE_MINUTE_MS ((UINT32)60000UL) |
This value is just a difinition for one minute in milliseconds. | |
#define | FW_VERSION 1172U |
This value defines the firmware version which will be stored in flash memory. | |
#define | APPLICATION_CRC 0x5C751A3FUL |
This value defines the firmware CRC32 checksum version which will be stored in flash memory. | |
#define | CRC32POLY 0xEDB88320UL |
#define | STATIC static |
#define | LOCAL_STATIC static |
#define | CONST const |
#define | VOLATILE volatile |
#define | VOLT_10V 448U |
ADC value for 10.0 Volt. | |
#define | VOLT_10V5 472U |
ADC value for 10.5 Volt. | |
#define | VOLT_11V 496U |
ADC value for 11.0 Volt. | |
#define | VOLT_11V5 520U |
ADC value for 11.5 Volt. | |
#define | VOLT_12V 544U |
ADC value for 12.0 Volt. | |
#define | CURR_20A 75U |
ADC value for 20 Ampere. | |
#define | CURR_15A 56U |
ADC value for 15 Ampere. | |
#define | CURR_10A 37U |
ADC value for 10 Ampere. | |
#define | CURR_5A 17U |
ADC value for 5 Ampere. | |
#define | CURR_2A 8U |
ADC value for 2 Ampere. | |
#define | CURR_0A 0U |
ADC value for 0 Ampere. | |
#define | PEDAL_TIMEOUT 2000U |
This value defines how many milliseconds the pedal interrupt missing before setting pedaling RPM to 0. | |
#define | MAX_RELIABLE_SPEED 70U |
This value defines the maximum reliable speed. Used to detect false tacho ticks. | |
#define | SPEED_TIMEOUT 2000U |
This value defines how many milliseconds the tacho interrupt missing before setting current wheel RPM to 0. | |
#define | AVG_COUNT 10U |
Array size of mg_au16Data. | |
#define | WARNING_COUNT 20U |
This value defines how many temperature warnings will be accepted before setting the temperature error flag. | |
#define | OCR_VALUE ((F_CPU / 64U) / 1000U) - 1U |
Preload value for system timer. | |
#define | NO_TICK 0U |
No timer flags. | |
#define | TICK128 1U |
Flag for 128ms events. | |
#define | TICK256 2U |
Flag for 256ms events. | |
#define | TICK512 4U |
Flag for 512ms events. | |
#define | TICK1024 8U |
Flag for 1024ms events. | |
#define | BAUD_RATE 9600 |
Definition for serial transmission speed. | |
#define | AVG_COUNT 40U |
Defines the number of voltage readings used for calculating the average voltage. |