


#define AD_REF_EXT   0x00U
 Presetting value for ADC multiplexer.
#define AD_READIN_COUNT   8
 This value defines how many ADC values will be read and averaged for 1 measure.
#define ADC0   0
 ADC channel #0.
#define ADC1   1
 ADC channel #1.
#define ADC2   2
 ADC channel #2.
#define ADC3   3
 ADC channel #3.
#define ADC4   4
 ADC channel #4.
#define ADC5   5
 ADC channel #5.
#define ADC6   6
 ADC channel #6.
#define ADC7   7
 ADC channel #7.
#define SUM_COUNT   20U
 This value defines the array size of mg_au16Data and thus the span of time used to calculate the motor current sum.
#define AVG_COUNT   8U
 This value defines the array size of mg_au16AvgData and thus the span of time used to calculate the average motor current.
#define WHEEL_SIZE   1280U
 This defines the wheel circumference in millimeters.
#define SPEEDLIMIT_MAX   250U
 This value defines the maximum speed at which the motor can be activated in pedelec mode while the driver is pedaling.
#define SPEEDLIMIT_MIN   30U
 This value defines the minimum speed required to enable the motor.
 This value defines the default number of magnets attached to activate the tacho reed switch.
 This value defines the default number of magnets attached to activate the pedal reed switch.
#define RXD_PORT   PORTD
#define RXD_DDR   DDRD
#define RXD_BIT   PD0
#define TXD_PORT   PORTD
#define TXD_DDR   DDRD
#define TXD_BIT   PD1
#define LED1_PORT   PORTB
#define LED1_DDR   DDRB
#define LED1_BIT   PB1
#define LED2_PORT   PORTB
#define LED2_DDR   DDRB
#define LED2_BIT   PB0
#define LED3_PORT   PORTD
#define LED3_DDR   DDRD
#define LED3_BIT   PD7
#define LED4_PORT   PORTD
#define LED4_DDR   DDRD
#define LED4_BIT   PD6
#define LED5_PORT   PORTD
#define LED5_DDR   DDRD
#define LED5_BIT   PD4
#define MUX_VOLT_BIT   PC4
#define MUX_CURR_BIT   PC5
#define SPEAKER_BIT   PB2
#define RELAY_DDR   DDRD
#define RELAY_BIT   PD5
#define FAN_PORT   PORTC
#define FAN_DDR   DDRC
#define FAN_BIT   PC3
#define INT0_PORT   PORTD
#define INT0_DDR   DDRD
#define INT0_BIT   PD2
#define INT1_PORT   PORTD
#define INT1_DDR   DDRD
#define INT1_BIT   PD3
#define VREF_DDR   DDRC
#define VREF_BIT   7
#define CSBASE_BIT   PC1
#define R3_PORT   PORTC
#define R3_DDR   DDRC
#define R3_BIT   PC0
#define VTH_PORT   PORTC
#define VTH_DDR   DDRC
#define VTH_BIT   PC2
#define SWITCH_BIT   6
#define ADC_SWITCH   ADC6
#define ADC_VOLTAGE   ADC0
#define ADC_VREF   ADC7
#define ADC_CURRENT   ADC1
#define MAX_CURRENT   523U
 This value defines the maximum current as ADC value.
#define VALUE_TEMP_FAN   45U
 This value defines the fan activation temperature.
#define VALUE_TEMP_WARN   70U
 This value defines temperature warning threshold.
#define VALUE_TEMP_ERROR   80U
 This value defines temperature error threshold.
#define ONE_MINUTE_MS   ((UINT32)60000UL)
 This value is just a difinition for one minute in milliseconds.
#define FW_VERSION   1172U
 This value defines the firmware version which will be stored in flash memory.
#define APPLICATION_CRC   0x5C751A3FUL
 This value defines the firmware CRC32 checksum version which will be stored in flash memory.
#define CRC32POLY   0xEDB88320UL
#define STATIC   static
#define LOCAL_STATIC   static
#define CONST   const
#define VOLATILE   volatile
#define VOLT_10V   448U
 ADC value for 10.0 Volt.
#define VOLT_10V5   472U
 ADC value for 10.5 Volt.
#define VOLT_11V   496U
 ADC value for 11.0 Volt.
#define VOLT_11V5   520U
 ADC value for 11.5 Volt.
#define VOLT_12V   544U
 ADC value for 12.0 Volt.
#define CURR_20A   75U
 ADC value for 20 Ampere.
#define CURR_15A   56U
 ADC value for 15 Ampere.
#define CURR_10A   37U
 ADC value for 10 Ampere.
#define CURR_5A   17U
 ADC value for 5 Ampere.
#define CURR_2A   8U
 ADC value for 2 Ampere.
#define CURR_0A   0U
 ADC value for 0 Ampere.
#define PEDAL_TIMEOUT   2000U
 This value defines how many milliseconds the pedal interrupt missing before setting pedaling RPM to 0.
 This value defines the maximum reliable speed. Used to detect false tacho ticks.
#define SPEED_TIMEOUT   2000U
 This value defines how many milliseconds the tacho interrupt missing before setting current wheel RPM to 0.
#define AVG_COUNT   10U
 Array size of mg_au16Data.
#define WARNING_COUNT   20U
 This value defines how many temperature warnings will be accepted before setting the temperature error flag.
#define OCR_VALUE   ((F_CPU / 64U) / 1000U) - 1U
 Preload value for system timer.
#define NO_TICK   0U
 No timer flags.
#define TICK128   1U
 Flag for 128ms events.
#define TICK256   2U
 Flag for 256ms events.
#define TICK512   4U
 Flag for 512ms events.
#define TICK1024   8U
 Flag for 1024ms events.
#define BAUD_RATE   9600
 Definition for serial transmission speed.
#define AVG_COUNT   40U
 Defines the number of voltage readings used for calculating the average voltage.