
Local variables


static UINT16 mg_u16Value = 0U
 UINT16 variable to store the latest current ADC value.
static UINT16 mg_au16Data [SUM_COUNT]
 UINT16 variable to store the ADC values of motor current for accumulation.
static UINT16 mg_au16AvgData [AVG_COUNT]
 UINT16 variable to store the ADC values of motor current for averaging.
static UINT16 mg_u16Sum = 0U
 UINT16 variable to store the current sum.
static UINT8 mg_u8SumIdx = 0U
 UINT8 index variable for array mg_au16Data.
static UINT8 mg_u8AvgIdx = 0U
 UINT8 index variable for array mg_au16AvgData.
static S_MEM_STRUCTRUE mg_sMemory
 Variable to keep application settings (wheel size, etc.)
static volatile UINT32 mg_u32TickTime
 Variable to keep a timestamp of the last pedal interrupt.
static volatile UINT32 mg_u32Rpm
 This variable holds the value of pedal revolutions per minute.
static UINT8 mg_u8NumMagnetsPedal = DEFAULT_MAGNET_NUMBER_PEDAL
 UINT8 variable to keep the number of pedal reed switch magnets.
static E_SAFETY_CONDITION mg_eCondition = COND_OK
 Variable to hold the current safety status.
static UINT16 mg_u16MemIdx = 0U
 Index variable for flash memory testing. Equates a byte address.
static UINT32 mg_u32CalcCRC = 0xFFFFFFFFUL
 Variable to hold the calculated memory CRC value.
static UINT32 mg_u32ApplCRC = 0x00000000UL
 Variable to hold the stored memory CRC value. Will be set only once in the init function of this module.
static volatile UINT32 mg_u32TickTime
 Variable to hold a timestamp of the last tacho interrupt.
static volatile UINT32 mg_u32Rpm
 This variable holds the value of wheel revolutions per minute.
static volatile UINT32 mg_u32Distance
 This variable holds the value of trip distance im mm.
static UINT16 mg_u16WheelSize
 This variable holds a copy value of wheel circumference in mm.
static UINT8 mg_u8NumMagnetsTacho = DEFAULT_MAGNET_NUMBER_TACHO
 UINT8 variable to keep the number of tacho reed switch magnets.
static UINT16 mg_au16Data [AVG_COUNT]
 Variable to keep the last temperature measure values.
static UINT16 mg_u16Value = 0U
 Variable to hold the average temperature value.
static UINT8 mg_u8Idx = 0U
 Index variable for usae with array mg_au16Data.
static UINT8 mg_u8WarningCnt = 0U
 Variable to count temperature exceedance.
static volatile UINT32 mg_u32SystemTime = 0U
 Variable to hold the system time in ms.
static volatile UINT8 mg_u8Ticks = NO_TICK
 Variable to keep time flags.
static UINT8 mg_u8TicksOut = NO_TICK
 Variable used to share time flags with other modules.
static E_BOOL mg_bIsPedelec = TRUE
 E_BOOL variable to hold pedelec mode.
static UINT16 mg_u16SpeedLimitMax = SPEEDLIMIT_MAX
 UINT16 variable to keep maximum speed limit (for motor enabling)
static UINT16 mg_u16SpeedLimitMin = SPEEDLIMIT_MIN
 UINT16 variable to keep minimum speed limit (for motor enabling)
static UINT16 mg_u16FanTemp = VALUE_TEMP_FAN
 UINT16 variable to keep fan activation temperature.
static UINT8 mg_u8NumMagnetsTacho = DEFAULT_MAGNET_NUMBER_TACHO
 UINT8 variable to keep the number of tacho reed switch magnets.
static UINT8 mg_u8NumMagnetsPedal = DEFAULT_MAGNET_NUMBER_PEDAL
 UINT8 variable to keep the number of pedal reed switch magnets.
static UINT16 mg_u16Ref = 0U
 UINT16 variable to store the ADC value of reference voltage.
static UINT16 mg_u16Value = 0U
 UINT16 variable to store the ADC value of battery voltage.
static UINT16 mg_au16Data [AVG_COUNT]
 UINT16 variable to store the ADC values of battery voltage for averaging.
static UINT16 mg_u16Avg = 0U
 UINT16 variable to store averaged value of battery voltage.
static UINT8 mg_u8Idx = 0U
 UINT8 variable to keep the ring array index position.